Thursday, June 5, 2008

Some new... some old

Well my first day in Dev went well. I learned how the API for Timberlake works, for the most part, and because I seem to know what I am talking about, I was assigned to redo the data abstraction layer. This sounds harder than it should be. I any event, today I ported the eBay API to a Timberlake class.

This was far easier than I anticipated, as from first glance at the code that eBay provides to developers, it looks complex and long. However, I was able to condense the main portion of it to into 2 functions, 4 lines each... make your own conclusions from this.

Then I started on my new task for the same project, which was to make a Timberlake module for this eBay API. Consequently, that meant that I needed to learn how to use the Timberlake API. After about 1 hour of studying I got a basic understanding of it and which functions I needed and began to write it. This should be done tomorrow. Anyways....


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